If I Am Not A Body...

What Am I?

This 2-day workshop took place on:
Saturday November 23rd
10am-12pm EST

Sunday, November 24, 2024
10am-12pm EST

Video Recording Available to Purchase

Bring the aliveness of YOU back to its full expression


by Lisa Natoli

The physical body that you think of as "you" "me" "my" and "I" is not your real body. 

The real body is energy, the life-force which is the real you. 

The real you is infinite, eternal, changeless Being. 

When someone dies, almost everyone intuitively knows that the cold lifeless body laying there (which is no longer animated) is not the person who was here. There is no warmth, no humor, no life, no intelligence, no awareness.

So this tells us that we are not the body. 

We all intuitively know that we are the energy, the Being, the life that animated the body. 

So we ask the question: WHO AM I? 

This energy, this life & Presence is what we are and not contained to the physical body. 

And yet ... 

Throughout one's lifetime in a body experience, many people try to control this life & energy.

We hold ourselves back from expressing life, love and creativity.

Over time, we develop conditioning, patterns, habits, ways of being that create tension, contraction and stress - which often makes the life-energy stuck and paralyzed in its flow and expression. 

We attempt to contain the energy in the body, as we believe we are a body - and "the person" (that you believe is you as a body) has certain behaviors to manage and control the energy. 

We mistakenly learn that we can "control" this energy, love, life so we can be safe. 

This energy - what we really are - is love - and over time as a person we learn to keep love in and shut love out, and we suppress our expression and energy. 


When this energy is suppressed, there is aging, sickness, worry, doubt, guilt, shame ... and feeling of "no energy". 

You feel tired & lethargic. 

We "hold" the energy in and eventually, the result is that you feel heavy, old, stuck, slow-moving. 

My approach is to bring awareness to the body, the energy, the mind, the habits, the conditioning and patterns so that this life-force begins to flow again. 

We begin with awareness of energy, how life is flowing or stuck in you, and allow it to move again, like it did when you were a child. 

Joyful, Expressive, Full of Wonder & Light. 

Awakening Through the Body  

with Lisa Natoli
4 hours of video recording available to purchase

Day 1: Discovering Your True Body as Energy

Understanding the Essence of Life Force and Unblocking Energy

  • Introduction to the True Body

    • Explore the energy body as your true self.
    • Understand why the physical body is not who you really are.
    • Reflect on the question "Who am I?" to begin your journey inward.
  • Identifying Energy Blocks

    • Recognize the conditioning, habits, and beliefs you hold that are creating tension and contraction.
    • Identify where energy feels "stuck" within you.
  • Awareness and Observation Practices

    • Guided awareness meditation to feel and observe your energy body.
    • Bring attention to areas of the body where you sense yourself as solid, slow-moving restricted. And bring attention to areas of the body where you feel health, flow & ease.  
  • Releasing Control and Expanding Presence

    • Learn how relaxation & resting in God loosens the hold on habitual control patterns that restrict energy flow.
    • Begin to sense the Infinite nature of your true self which is beyond the physical form of mind & body and encompasses it completely! 

Day 2: Releasing, Reconnecting, and Restoring Flow

Practices for Renewed Aliveness, Creativity, and Expression

  • Releasing Stored Emotions and Patterns

    • Practices to release suppressed energy which results in an experience of calm, love, and presence. 
    • See how awareness of being dissolves feelings of guilt, shame, and doubt.
  • Reconnecting with Natural Energy Flow

    • Connect with the child-like joy, wonder, and spontaneity that is your true nature.
    • Practice freeing your life-force from physical and mental constraints.
  • Living & Being Energy: Embodying the Aliveness of YOU

    • Meditation on embodying your real Self, which is Infinite Intelligence, Pure Being
    • Set intentions to continue practices that promote flow, vitality, and aliveness in daily life.

  Awakening Through the Energy Body

A Weekend Workshop with Lisa Natoli  

Purchase Now
